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I really want a Munchlax since he's my favourite Pokemon, but I can't find one...
I know I can breed two snorlax but is there a way to find him in the wild?
Please help

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2 Answers

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Best answer

Well, if you don't want to breed Snorlax, then there is unfortunately no way to find a Munchlax in the wild, except the PokeTransfer.

If you don't want, or you don't have the PokeTransfer then the only way to get your favoured Munchlax is to breed with your Snorlax holding a Full Incense. Sorry.

Hope I helped. :)

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Thanks i had to GTS a female snorlax
Ur a big help
i breeded two snorlaxes but i just got another snorlax. what did i do wrong?
Read the answer.
You can get Munchlax in Pokemon X and Y by going to Coumarine City and buying the Full Incense from the table stand salesman and giving it to Snorlax to hold and just breed it with Ditto.  If Snorlax isn't holding the Full Incense you will just keep getting more and more Snorlax.  I hope this helps everyone!
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There are 4 ways...

  1. Catch the Snorlax on route 7, then breed it while holding a Full insense
  2. Trade over Internet or with a friend
  3. Pokebank(currently not available as of 1/8/14)
  4. GTS

No, it is impossible to catch a munchlax in the wild.

Personally, I would either choose to breed it or to go on the GTS. its the most simpilest way to obtain one.

And while breeding, Munchlax can learn great egg moves too.

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