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1 vote

If you want a hidden ability Jolteon, unless you can get it in friend safari which I am probably sure you can't, how are you supposed to get it?

I mean, you evolve Eevee, and how do you know what ability it has? Does Eevee have to have it's hidden ability?


3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Well let's see. There are three ways to get a Hidden Ability Eevee but firstly it's HA is Anticipation. Secondly you can get a Eevee in the Friend Safari which means you can gets its HA from there. The other two ways are breeding a Eeveelution that has its HA (refer to the Pokedex pages to see what they are) and getting one from trade. Also a Pokemon must have it's Hidden Ability (Anticipation in this case) to get it's evolved form to have a Hidden Ability (Quick Feet in this case).

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I checked Bulbapedia and it didn't lost Eevee as a horde pokemon. Though that was the only source I checked at the time so  it could've been wrong. And welcome WaterNinja :)!
2 votes

If you have an Eevee with a hidden ability and evolve it into Jolteon it will have the hidden ability as well.

Source: Knowledge
Hope it helped.

0 votes

Primal posted an update but he was missing one teeny tiny thing, so I'm going to post an update-udate with all the possible ways up to Gen 8.

Here are all the ways to get an Eevee with it's hidden ability:

  • Via Friend Safari
  • Breeding, given that the parents have the HA
  • SOS Chaining In the Gen 7 games
  • Raids battles in Gen 8
  • Ability Patch in Gen 8
  • Getting an Eevee in the Virtual Console release of RBY/GSC and transferring it up to the game of your choice. Pokemon transferred from Virtual Console games will have their HA.

And of course, once you have an HA Eevee, you can evolve it to Jolteon using a Thunder Stone.

The parents must also be Eevee or an Eeveelution to pass on HA. :P
I thought that was obvious, but ill add a link to a breeding guide for HA soon :P