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I need to know all the Pokemon that learn either endeavor or pain split, are ground steel or rock and have the ability sturdy. Thanks!


3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Pokemon that learn Endeavor and are Rock or Steel type(no difference between the two):

  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Aggron

Pokrmon that learn Endeavor and are Ground type:

  • Donphan

Pokemon that learn Pain split and are Steel type:

  • Forretress
  • Probopass

Pokemon that learn Pain split and are Rock or Steel type(no difference between the two):

  • Nosepass
  • Probopass

These are all the Pokemon that meets your requirements(I didn't type that they have sturdy each time but they all do.)

Hope I helped.

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0 votes

Aggron, Probopass, Forretress and Donphan fits your requirements

Edit : Probopass learns pain split by Gen V tutor and cannot learn it legitimately in Gen VI

Source : Endeavor Pain split

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Probopass doesn't learn either of them :/  You shouldn't just copy other people, they can give false information, like right here...
actually they do by Gen V tutor, painsplit that is
Oops my bad...sorry
nah, its okay
0 votes

Aron, Lairon and Aggron are Pokemon that are

  • Rock and Steel type
  • Learn Endeavor
  • And have sturdy

So they're you are it.By the way a popular choice is F.E.A.R strategie.
