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Do I need an eevee with adaptability to get a sylveon with pixilate?

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2 Answers

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Best answer

Unfortunately, no.

Since Sylveon's hidden ability is Pixilate, you must evolve an Eevee with its hidden ability, Anticipation, to get Pixilate Sylveon.

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I evolved an Eevee with the ability Anticipation, but the Sylveon got Cute Charm. Any idea why?
actually i had a shiny eevee in ultra sun it had the ability adaptability i know because that thing was a prize to me, i would read its information over and over(i have no idea why i do this but it has become a habit) and i evolved it into a sylveon and it had the abilty pixilate.
Both of you almost certainly mixed up Anticipation and Adaptability.
2 votes

No, you must have an eevee with its hidden ability anticipation to get a sylveon with pixilate.

Source: Experience
