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0 votes

I really want magmortar and electivire. Also, magmar and electabuzz?

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Why? this isnt a downvote worthy question, though isnt exactly good but this was from a year ago this isnt going to effect anyone.
or... Poke Transfer

5 Answers

3 votes

Elekid and magby are found in white forest on pokemon white after completing the game once

do i have to restart the game or can i just get it after beating the elite 6
2 votes

Both UltimateDarkraiFan and james mill have accurate answers, because you may obtain them either way.

Although elekid/magby may not appear in your white forest, the old man in the house has a different pokemon every day for you to catch.
1 vote

You can get a Magby or Elekid in the White forest once you complete the game. If you already have the post evolutions then you can migrate them from another game or just the pre evolution.

hope this helps :)

edited by
0 votes

Where you get either Elekid or Magby is up to whether you have either the original Black and White or the sequels.
- If you're playing the originals, they are found in White Forest after you've beat the game once (as you're unable to go to White Forest until you do so).
- If you're playing the sequels, both can be found in the Virbank Complex, with Magby in Black 2, and Elekid in White 2. Other than there, they can still be found in White Forest as before.
However, if you're REALLY impatient, just use Poke Transfer, although you still have to beat the game once before you have access to it, and in Black 2/White 2, transferring to get them isn't as good as it was in the first games, as you already have access to them, unless you have a perfectly capable competitive Electivire/Magmortar in Gen IV that you want to try out in Gen V.

Hope this helps!
Source: The Inner Workings of My Mind

–3 votes

Only by trading with HG, SS, D, P, and PL.

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