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This is not an April fools post, this is a genuine question. It's just so random why people decided to worship bidoof all of a sudden. I'm just curious, Not like I'm against it or anything.

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It probably started around the time Sinnoh games came out and people saw Bidoof for the first time. It's a meme because https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/381681/why-is-bidoof-so-good-and-popular (seems like the quickest way to explain it).
There’s also all sorts of stuff that makes fun of Bidoof being an HM slave, and fan “appreciation” for Bidoof in stuff like Pokémon Rusty... which probably sparked the whole “Bidoof is god” style memes. :P
https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=bidoof Apparently Bidoof has been popular ever since DP were released, but it peaked in 2013.
Are you asking this because of mah April fools question?
sumwun that's hilarious
his face just makes you smile :3
Can you tell Talonflame why his/her/their/its answer doesn't answer your question?
The reason I left it up was that I didn't know what the problem was, he didn't post it, and I asked him on his wall, but he didn't respond, so now I'll just hide it until it gets deleted.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

Bidoof is a meme because the thing is bloody garbage. Here are some discussions about it but the summary is that the thing is worthless aside from being an hm slave and a one time buffer against Fantina


https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=bidoof Apparently Bidoof has been popular ever since DP were released, but it peaked in 2013

commented Apr 1 by sumwun

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