PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Watch as I ask a bunch of snap questions and singlehandidly create a snap revolution

Most legendaries aren’t
Google it lol
basically anything not on this list. im not insane enough to go through it tho lmao

1 Answer

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Best answer

Uh so I’ll just give you the ones that are in Snap, provided by Flaweon :3

Sorry that this isn’t exactly what you asked for, but it’s honestly a much easier way. If you’d like me to find out every single Pokémon not on this list... I guess I’ll try to find it.

Bulbasaur - Grass/Poison-type, Kanto
Venusaur - Grass/Poison-type, Kanto
Charmander - Fire-type, Kanto
Charizard - Fire/Flying-type, Kanto
Squirtle - Water-type, Kanto
Blastoise - Water-type, Kanto
Caterpie - Bug-type, Kanto
Metapod - Bug-type, Kanto
Pidgeot - Normal/Flying-type, Kanto
Rattata - Normal-type, Kanto
Arbok - Poison-type, Kanto
Pikachu - Electric-type, Kanto
Raichu (Alolan) - Electric/Psychic-type, Kanto/Alola
Sandshrew - Ground-type, Kanto
Sandslash (Alolan) - Ice/Steel-type, Kanto/Alola
Clefairy - Fairy-type, Kanto
Vulpix (Alolan) - Ice-type, Kanto/Alola
Ninetales - Fire-type, Kanto
Meowth - Normal-type, Kanto
Machamp - Fighting-type, Kanto
Tentacruel - Water/Poison-type, Kanto
Geodude - Rock/Ground-type, Kanto
Graveler - Rock/Ground-type, Kanto
Dodrio - Normal/Flying-type, Kanto
Dewgong - Water/Ice-type, Kanto
Gengar - Ghost/Poison-type, Kanto
Onix - Rock/Ground-type
Exeggutor - Grass/Psychic-type, Kanto
Kangaskhan - Normal-type, Kanto
Starmie - Water/Psychic-type, Kanto
Jynx - Ice/Psychic-type, Kanto
Pinsir - Bug-type, Kanto
Magikarp - Water-type, Kanto
Lapras - Water/Ice-type, Kanto
Eevee - Nomal-type, Kanto
Vaporeon - Water-type, Kanto
Jolteon - Electric-type, Kanto
Flareon - Fire-type, Kanto
Aerodactyl - Rock/Flying-type, Kanto
Mew - Psychic-type, Kanto
Meganium – Grass-type, Johto
Typhlosion – Fire-type, Johto
Furret – Normal-type, Johto
Hoothoot – Normal/Flying-type, Johto
Ledian – Bug/Flying-type, Johto
Ariados – Bug/Poison type, Johto
Crobat – Poison/Flying-type, Johto
Chinchou – Water/Electric-type, Johto
Lanturn – Water/Electric-type, Johto
Pichu – Electric-type, Johto
Natu – Psychic/Flying-type, Johto
Bellossom – Grass-type, Johto
Sudowoodo – Rock-type, Johto
Aipom – Normal-type, Johto
Wooper – Water/Ground-type, Johto
Quagsire – Water/Ground-type, Johto
Espeon – Psychic-type, Johto
Umbreon – Dark-type, Johto
Murkrow – Dark/Flying-type, Johto
Steelix – Steel/Ground-type, Johto
Qwilfish – Water/Poison-type, Johto
Heracross – Bug/Fighting-type, Johto
Slugma – Fire-type, Johto
Swinub – Ice/Ground-type, Johto
Corsola – Water/Rock-type, Johto
Octillery – Water-type, Johto
Delibird – Ice/Flying-type, Johto
Mantine – Water/Flying-type, Johto
Skarmory – Steel/Flying-type, Johto
Houndoom – Dark/Fire-type, Johto
Suicune – Water-type, Johto
Tyranitar – Rock/Dark-type, Johto
Lugia – Psychic/Flying-type, Johto
Ho-Oh – Fire/Flying-type, Johto
Celebi – Psychic/Grass-type, Johto
Torchic - Fire-type, Hoenn
Swampert - Water/Ground-type, Hoenn
Mightyena - Dark-type, Hoenn
Wurmple - Bug-type, Hoenn
Beautifly - Bug/Flying-type, Hoenn
Lotad - Water/Grass-type, Hoenn
Shiftry - Grass/Dark-type, Hoenn
Taillow - Normal/Flying-type, Hoenn
Wingull - Water/Flying-type, Hoenn
Pelipper - Water/Flying-type, Hoenn
Gardevoir - Pyschic/Fairy-type, Hoenn
Slaking - Normal-type, Hoenn
Sableye - Dark/Ghost-type, Hoenn
Mawile - Steel/Fairy-type, Hoenn
Sharpedo - Water/Dark-type, Hoenn
Wailmer - Water-type, Hoenn
Wailord - Water-type, Hoenn
Torkoal - Fire-type, Hoenn
Trapinch - Ground-type, Hoenn
Flygon - Ground/Dragon-type, Hoenn
Cacnea - Grass-type, Hoenn
Altaria - Dragon/Flying-type, Hoenn
Zangoose - Normal/Type, Hoenn
Seviper - Posion-type, Hoenn
Cradily - Rock/Grass-type, Hoenn
Milotic - Water-type, Hoenn
Kecleon - Normal-type, Hoenn
Absol - Dark-type, Hoenn
Snorunt - Ice-type, Hoenn
Glalie - Ice-type, Hoenn
Spheal - Ice/Water-type, Hoenn
Clamperl - Water-type, Hoenn
Luvdisc - Water-type, Hoenn
Jirachi - Steel/Psychic-type, Hoenn
Torterra - Grass-Ground-type, Sinnoh
Monferno - Fire/Fighting-type, Sinnoh
Piplup - Water-type, Sinnoh
Starly - Normal/Flying-type, Sinnoh
Bidoof - Normal-type, Sinnoh
Shinx - Electric-type, Sinnoh
Luxray - Electric-type, Sinnoh
Rampardos - Rock-type, Sinnoh
Combee - Bug/Flying-type, Sinnoh
Vespiquen - Bug/Flying-type, Sinnoh
Drifloon - Ghost/Flying-type, Sinnoh
Drifblim - Ghost/Flying-type, Sinnoh
Hippowdon - Ground-type, Sinnoh
Skorupi - Poison/Bug-type, Sinnoh
Croagunk - Poison/Fighting-type, Sinnoh
Finneon - Water-type, Sinnoh
Lumineon - Water-type, Sinnoh
Abomasnow - Grass/Ice-type, Sinnoh
Weavile - Dark/Ice-type, Sinnoh
Tangrowth - Grass-type, Sinnoh
Yanmega - Bug/Flying-type, Sinnoh
Leafeon - Grass-type, Sinnoh
Glaceon - Ice-type, Sinnoh
Mamoswine - Ice/Ground-type, Sinnoh
Froslass - Ice/Ghost-type, Sinnoh
Manaphy - Water-type, Sinnoh
Shaymin - Grass-type, Sinnoh
Serperior – Grass-type, Unova
Stoutland – Normal-type, Unova
Liepard – Dark-type, Unova
Unfezant – Normal/Flying-type, Unova
Woobat – Psychic/Flying-type, Unova
Audino – Normal-type, Unova
Sigilyph – Psychic/Flying-type, Unova
Archeops – Rock/Flying-type, Unova
Trubbish – Poison-type, Unova
Ducklett – Water/Flying-type, Unova
Swanna – Water/Flying-type, Unova
Vanilluxe – Ice-type, Unova
Deerling – Normal/Grass-type, Unova
Sawsbuck – Normal/Grass-type, Unova
Emolga – Electric/Flying-type, Unova
Frillish – Water/Ghost-type, Unova
Alomomola – Water-type, Unova
Joltik – Bug/Electric-type, Unova
Beheeyem – Psychic-type, Unova
Chandelure – Ghost/Fire-type, Unova
Cubchoo – Ice-type, Unova
Beartic – Ice-type, Unova
Stunfisk – Ground/Electric-type, Unova
Golurk – Ground/Ghost-type, Unova
Bouffalant – Normal-type, Unova
Braviary – Normal/Flying-type, Unova
Mandibuzz – Dark/Flying-type, Unova
Hydreigon – Dark/Dragon-type, Unova
Volcarona – Bug/Fire-type, Unova
Bunnelby – Normal-type, Kalos
Talonflame – Fire/Flying-type, Kalos
Vivillon – Bug/Flying-type, Kalos
Florges – Fairy-type, Kalos
Pancham - Fighting-type, Kalos
Espurr - Psychic-type, Kalos
Inkay – Dark/Psychic-type, Kalos
Clawitzer - Water-type, Kalos
Heliolisk – Electric/Normal-type, Kalos
Tyrantrum – Rock/Dragon-type, Kalos
Aurorus – Rock/Ice-type, Kalos
Sylveon - Fairy-type, Kalos
Dedenne – Electric/Fairy-type, Kalos
Carbink – Rock/Fairy-type, Kalos
Goodra - Dragon-type, Kalos
Trevenant – Ghost/Grass-type, Kalos
Pumpkaboo – Ghost/Grass-type, Kalos
Avalugg - Ice-type, Kalos
Noibat – Flying/Dragon-type, Kalos
Noivern – Flying/Dragon-type, Kalos
Xerneas - Fairy-type, Kalos
Diancie - Rock/Fairy-type, Kalos
Primarina - Water/Fairy-type, Alola
Pikipek - Normal/Flying-type, Alola
Toucannon - Normal/Flying-type, Alola
Crabrawler - Fighting-type, Alola
Crabominable - Fighting/Ice-type, Alola
Cutiefly - Bug/Fairy-type, Alola
Lycanroc - Rock-type, Alola
Wishiwashi - Water-type, Alola
Mareanie - Poison/Water-type, Alola
Morelull - Grass/Fairy-type, Alola
Salandit - Poison/Fire-type, Alola
Bewear - Normal/Fighting-type, Alola
Bounsweet - Grass-type, Alola
Comfey - Fairy-type, Alola
Golisopod - Bug/Water-type, Alola
Sandygast - Ghost/Ground-type, Alola
Pyukumuku - Water-type, Alola
Minior - Ground/Flying-type, Alola
Drampa - Normal/Dragon-type, Alola
Grookey - Grass-type, Galar
Scorbunny - Fire-type, Galar
Sobble - Water-type, Galar
Eldegoss - Grass-type, Galar
Applin - Grass/Dragon-type, Galar
Silicobra - Ground-type, Galar
Snom - Ice/Bug-type, Galar
Frosmoth - Ice/Bug-type, Galar


I hope this helps :P

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This works but... what’s this about startrek
Wait did I not delete all the sponsorships aahhh

It was a heavily sponsored source
Star Trek must give me money because I’m advertising them on db >:)