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Im breeding my croagunk with machamp (on soulsilver) and it has brought to my attention that croagunk egg move list on Pokemondb is not updated.
My croagunk was passed down earthquake egg move from machamp. Also revenge, faint attack, and pursuit. Theyre not on the PokemonDB egg move list for croagunk.
Im breeding alot of Pokemons lately and will keep eye out for more of them.
Also see attached.

Re to J tm, moderator, please leave the thread open for few hours to give me the opportunity to respond with a follow up question- the goal is mutual understanding.

So if the male knows a TM move that can be passed down, why is it not a egg move?
1) does that mean all TMs that egg can learn can be recovered from father at breeding, everytime? Otherwise if it is not called egg move, what is that called?
2) If the above is not called egg move, and the egg move list is more than four. How does the breeded Pokemon decide which moves to learn if they are not passed down? Do they randomize or base on the type of father?
3) also revenge, faint attack, pursuit is NOT a TM move and was passed down from male Machamp to Croagung.


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It should be possible for you to leave a comment on your closed question if you so choose. We already do leave closed questions available for two days for the very purpose that you outlined.
For future reference, error reports for PokemonDB belong on the meta section anyway. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/ https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/55591
I changed the title to relate to the question in this thread. If you would prefer a different title then you should update it.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

The issue here is with semantics, not with any egg move list that you're reading. "Egg moves" refers to a special list of moves set aside for every species that can be inherited through breeding, in addition to the following inheritance methods:

  • TM/HM moves: In Gen 2 to 5, the offspring will inherit any TM moves known by the father that it is itself compatible with.
  • Tutor moves: In Crystal, the offspring will inherit any compatible tutor move known by the father.
  • Level-up moves: If both parents know a move that the offspring can learn through level-up, then the offspring will inherit that move.
  • Volt Tackle: In Emerald onwards, offspring Pichu will inherit Volt Tackle if either parent holds a Light Ball.

"Egg move" is not a generic term for any move inherited through breeding. So, moves inherited through the above four means are not egg moves. As such, the answer to your main question is this: If the father knows a TM move that can be inherited, then that TM move is not (necessarily) an egg move because that's what the definition of an "egg move" is. There is no special name for moves inherited by TM compatibility.

If the number of moves the offspring can inherit is greater than four, then the game will prioritise moves inherited through the following means, in order of preference: Volt Tackle, egg moves from the mother (Gen 6+), egg moves from the father, TM/HM moves, level-up moves. "Default" offspring moves have lowest priority.

The answer to your first question depends on the game you're playing and the breeding pair. If you're playing Emerald+ and breeding a Pichu with Light Ball, then the answer is no. If the father knew four TM moves and one of the parents held Light Ball, then one of the TM moves would be replaced with Volt Tackle. Otherwise, in all games where TM moves can be passed down, the answer is yes (because the father cannot know >4 moves and the mother cannot pass down moves in all games where TMs can be passed down).

Croagunk inherited Revenge through the "level-up moves" method outlined above. It inherited Earthquake through the "TM/HM moves" method outlined above. I don't know how it inherited Faint Attack and Pursuit, as Machamp can't learn those moves; if there's a simplification in the series of events you've given then that is likely the cause. In any case, none of those four moves are egg moves for Croagunk, so they are not on its egg move list on PokemonDB.


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How can a Croagunk inherit pursuit and faint attack if its father was a Machamp?
Good point. I don't know.
Looking at them again- my first few offspring croagunks, bred from male machamp, had astonish, cross chop, earthquake, revenge.  I believe I switched the father to both male and female croagunk and now the subsequent offsprings has crosschop, earthquake, pursuit, faint attack
That makes more sense:
* Astonish is a default move
* Cross Chop is an egg move, originating from Machamp
* Earthquake is a TM/HM move
* Revenge, Pursuit and Faint Attack are level-up moves from Croagunk