PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

I know that:

  • Sw/Sh have 664 out of the first 898 Pokemon available (including 80 Pokemon not in any of the Galar or DLC Pokedexes).
  • BD/SP have all 493 Pokemon from the first four generations (thanks to being faithful D/P remakes bringing back the Gen 4 National Dex).
  • Legends: Arceus have 242 Pokemon in the Hisui Dex (including the 7 Pokemon newly introduced in this game).

Now that Generation 8 has already ended, there are still a number of Pokemon species (and regional forms) that cannot be obtained in or transferred into any Gen 8 games (Sw/Sh, BD/SP, PLA), even those that are only obtainable in LGP/E and S/V. Which Pokemon are these?

(assume that you do not transfer any Pokemon from Bank, GO, LGP/E or S/V in order for these Pokemon to be obtained and used in any Gen 8 games)


1 Answer

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According to this reddit post

Snivy - Serperior Family
Tepig - Emboar Family
Unovan Samurott
Patrat - Watchog Family
Blitzle - Zebstrika Family
Pansage - Simisage Family
Pansear - Simisear Family
Panpour - Simipour Family
Ducklett - Swanna Family
Deerling - Sawsbuck Family
Tynamo - Eelektross Family
Chespin - Chesnaught Family
Fennekin - Delphox Family
Froakie - Greninja Family
Scatterbug - Vivillon Family
Litleo - Pyroar Family
Flabebe - Florges Family
Skiido - Gogoat Family
Pikapek - Toucannon Family
Yungoos - Gumshoos Family
Crabrawler - Crabominable Family 23 Oricorio
Alolan Rattata - Alolan Raticate (Let's Go only)
Alolan Geodude - Alolan Golem (Let's Go only)
Alolan Grimer - Alolan Muk Family (Let's Go only)
Deoxys (Technically able to be in BDSP but untransferable at the moment)
Sewaddle - Leavanny Family

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Spinda can be caught in BDSP, but untransferrable to HOME and vice versa https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/417835/why-i-cant-transfer-a-spinda-using-pokemon-home-into-bdsp
Deoxys is coded into BDSP, but there are no Deoxys distribution events in Gen 8 at all