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3 votes

All I need is this to complete it.

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3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

The previous answers are long process. You probably want it to get national dex so here are some easier methods to see it.

Route 217 - Ace Trainer (Female) Olivia (VS Seeker rematch)
Last trainer on Route 217 (northern end). Rematch her until she leads with Gardevoir and has Seaking and Lopunny in reserve.

Victory Road 1F - Psychic (Male) Bryce
Enter from the south end, go down the first Rock Climb spot on the left, and walk left. He leads with Haunter and has a Gengar and Gardevoir in reserve.

Hope I helped!

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I think he want to complete the Sinnoh Pokédex by capturing and evolving all of them.
That's just your assumption. It's not stated anywhere in the question.
"All I need is this to complete it."
I think it means seeing all Pokémon to complete pokedex to get national dex.
But assumption doesn't mean it's wrong and worth a down vote.......
No, completing the pokédex means seeing them all. Not capturing them.
Yh that's what
1 vote

The true spelling is Gardevoir. you have to catch Ralts in Route under Solaceon City, it has Ralts lv17, and evolve it to Kirlia at lv20, and then Gardevoir at lv30. if you want Gallade, evolve MALE Ralts to Kirlia and then use dawn stone! hope this usefull...

0 votes

You need to catch a ralts on the route between hearthome city and

mount coronet then evolve it.
