Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I mean final evolved Pokemon and Pokemon that don't evolve. If so, which Pokemon?

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If there were they would definitely have been asked by now, and all the Gen 8 Pokemon are covered. Even forgotten Pokemon like Wormadam have msqs, *someone* would have noticed if they didn't.
Actually, there's really only 1 ditto set, which is max hp and a scarf and inposter, but I mean there could be a "what's a good item for ditto?" Thread
There was at one point. It doesn't matter particularly, in competitive you're only going to use scarf

1 Answer

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Best answer

Theoretically, no. A few months ago we (and by "we" I mean Hellfire Taco. I barely helped at all and it really pissed him off) went through the pokédex and checked every pokémon. If you find any that don’t have a thread, tell a staff member and we can add it.

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Okay. I was thinking about Ditto, Unown, and maybe Wobbufett, but they have movesets too. Thanks.