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User TallyHo

Member for: 9 years (since Jul 5, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Female
Country: India
Favorite Pokémon: Latias, Sandslash and Marowak (those Ground types that totally deserve a Mega imo)
Friend Codes: Let's see... I have a grand estimate of...
0 friend codes ;-;

Buuuuut I'm planning on starting an awesome users list, which is completely dependent on what I've seen of them. Select few that gained my respect :>

*(and just so you know, I don't give a damn about how many points you have in this list, you could be a -100 point user for all I'd care lol)

Here goes!

- AD (Cerberus): Got me introduced to VGC and tutor :3, really sweet guy that parties all night

- Astro (Doctor Disco): Overall great guy, love talking to him. Plays VGC as well and his wall(s) have been sites of VGC debates for me xD

- Mikey-poo (Psychic x): Typical good-guy who is really hard to hate lol. Not to mention he's hilarious at times (lmao kicking sprees)

- Lupus (Yang): One of the first users I talked to on this site! Also one of the few people who know that my previous name was smiley xD Really wish we could converse more than just "hi" though

- Q (Dead~•): I know him irl, he's chill o3o
To those guys pairing me with him [looking at you demat =.=] - He's just fifteen. I'm an adult now  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

- Demat (no I will NOT post your name, what if my profile glitches and dies?!): The guy who trolled the DB with his math question lol. Once you get to know him though, he's a great guy :o, and a rare exception in this site's melancholy (cheerful guy)

- Mew (Mewderator): Awesome hangman setter :D

- NP (Pina Coladas): VGC encyclopedia whenever AD wasn't there o: I don't even know how much he's helped me in my rookie years (still counting, btw). He's no more, but shout outs to him!

- Sciz (Sciz): He's tough to crack, I just can't get him to talk much >.> I respect him though

- Sem-poo (Sempiternus): Really awesome and humorous xD The living calculator of our site

- Aeternis (Aeternis): One of the few people on the server that actually talked to me without me having to start the conversation :0 (THAT'S RARE OKAY?)

- Flaf (Flafpert): Apparently he's over 25 years old O.O, he and a couple of other people (alongside AD and the late NP) keep up this site's competitive side, and even the mods respect this guy :o

- Pooka (Pikamaster): Funny how I was one of the few he didn't end up trolling in the end xD

- Blitz (ItsGuillotine): I used to esteem him on the RMT because his rates were some of the most sought after ones :o, sadly he's no more though...

- Pisc (Pisc): Another awesome user that I may never see again ;-; He gave me a Shiny Latias named Muskara (meaning smiling in hindi, referencing my old name) for my OR gameplay. I wreaked mayhem in the game with it, my life is complete <3

- TheMeq (TheMeq): The only person on this list whom I haven't met personally. But he is the creator of that database, and I think that he's contributed to this site more than any other fellow I know.

- PX (AreWeFreshYet?): He's pretty chill for a person who just moved back from server to DB.  Prolly the only serious guy on this list xD

- Arabanana (Aranacana): I've only had brief talks with him, but he's into VGC and is not half-bad at battling ;D

- Scilicet (Meh): I respect myself <3, but compared to those above me, this is rather insignificant.

In case you're wondering "Why is ________ user not here? He's totally worth respecting!" then here's the reason: unless I have talked to them and known them, they are all pretty much the same to me. May it be a mod or a banned soul. I respect personality and attitude, not posts.

I generally respect every one though, unless you've done something bad enough to lose it :s (rarely, very rarely do I get vengeful though.)
About me: So well... It's about time I added content here.

"Hi. I'm me. And I've always been and will be me. Also I'm more me than you will ever be."

That's enough intro I guess. I'm the average person, and I'm not a terrorist. I only (not so) recently got into competitive battling, and I prefer playing VGC over singles ('cuz two heads better than one when looking for fun :D).

That's it I guess. Rest you can ask me when I come to chat (on rare occasions) P:

Oh by the way, I've kind of stopped coming to chat and showdown because I feel abnormally weary and tired in those places. It's just... boring. Yes I've said it guys, yes I have.

One of the few users that practices VGC 15 ;)
Don't be afraid to ask anything! I usually find enough time to come around and check on this site, and I mostly do answer.

I'm usually more active on the server than on here, by the name "Scilicet" (ya... I've been around for some time now without many people over there noticing).

Also, I do have X/Y. But me and my friend (Qwerty_Zoom 44) kinda share our DS, so you won't find me there playing often :P. Q's also got tenth grade exams going btw (he won't be reading this so why should I bother not saying this xD).

EDIT: Have OR now :D It's not open for competitive yet but when it will, I'll be adding my stuff here.

Activity by TallyHo

Score: 254 points (ranked #654)
Questions: 2 (2 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 7 (6 chosen as best)
Comments: 86
Voted on: 1 question, 6 answers
Gave out: 7 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 11 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for TallyHo

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
May 9, 2022 by Qwerty_Zoom
Downvote someone so that you can have the same number of points as max EVs
May 7, 2018 by EvilTwinNeedle™️
Apr 18, 2017 by Your Excellency
Apr 14, 2017 by Your Excellency
god I am so inactive now o:
so whats up?
May 3, 2016 by a creepy stalker
*Meow-stic noises*
Apr 7, 2016 by Meowstic
My lamps are just dandy, thankee very much.
Apr 6, 2016 by Toucanadian
Hey ^.^ What's up?
Apr 5, 2016 by Toucanadian
Apr 5, 2016 by Qwerty_Zoom
stay on chat for at least 2 minutes pls
hi :D
o: :3
Apr 5, 2016 by a creepy stalker